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Friday, March 13, 2009

Republican/Democrat Brands, a Comparison

The following table gives a side by side comparison of the Republican and Democrat brands. To win elections, the Republicans have to proselytize the American public, and lead by example. Since most Americans, regardless of gender ethnicity, or immigrant status, favor those items embraced and supported by Republicans, the Republicans will win elections as long as the public is not duped by the Democrats. The biggest priority of the Republicans is to call out Democrat lies, with gusto and assertion, and without fail.

Table. Republicans & Democrats Side by Side

Republican/Democrat Brands, a Comparison

The table gives a side by side comparison of the Republican and Democrat brands. To win elections, the Republicans have to proselytize the American public, and lead by example. Since most Americans, regardless of gender ethnicity, or immigrant status, favor those items embraced and supported by Republicans, the Republicans will win elections as long as the public is not duped by the Democrats. The biggest priority of the Republicans is to call out Democrat lies, with gusto and assertion, and without fail.

Ronald Reagan’s genius was in pointing to the Democrats, and their ilk around the world, as liars. He spoke truth and called out liars, even when it caused discomfort. He called the Soviet Union the “Evil Empire,”and brought to Gorbachov a statement of great import: “Tear down this wall,” against the advice of his “advisors.” He would not be shouted down, either. Early in his presidency, while delivering his thoughts on a college campus, a student tried interrupting by staging a one-man demonstration (shouting down opposing views is encouraged by Democrats), but Reagan stopped him by stating in a stern tone, “Oh, Shut up.”This stopped the deranged man and discouraged future such adventures. To bad the Bushes, 41 and 43, did not have the Reagan moxie.

Here is where the future of the Republican Brand is to be found: MOXIE. And, PARTICULARLY, moxie in calling out lies, liars, and those who try to shout down truth.

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Truth [Who’ll stop the lies]

Truth [Who’ll stop the lies]
[Long as I remember the lies been comin’round. Clouds of mystery pourin’. Confusion on the ground] ----based on CCR, (John Foggerty’s) Who’ll stop the Rain.

Truth The Democrats know this is their Achilles heel. This is why they spent eight years chanting the greatest lie of all: Bush lied; people died. The reality was Bush told factual truth, as he understood it. To this day, there are people who insist that Saddam Hussein did not possess weapons of mass destruction. Yet Hussein killed thousands of Iranians with poison gas ---- certainly a weapon mass destruction. Also news reports from around March 9, 2008 reported 500 tons of uranium “yellow cake” were taken from Iraq to Canada in a secret operation carried out by the US military. This quantity of uranium could have been processed to make perhaps 80 atomic bombs, or 150 “dirty” bombs ---- once again, weapons of mass destruction. Obviously Bush was not lying. Ergo: Those who called him a liar (the Democrats) are the liars.

Truth. The Democrats know this is their Achilles heel. This is why the great language expert, Noam Chomsky, is a revered scion and spokesperson for the Democrats. His language skills are used daily by the Democrat Smog Machine.

Once the average American voter sees through all the Democrat smog, the Demos will be finished, and they know it. This is why they must redouble their lies as they move ahead.

What is truth? What is a lie?
Part of the Left’s strategy has included confusion over the idea of truth versus lies. Fortunately, we have Karl Raymund Popper to help us. In his early life, Popper was troubled by the concept of truth. In The Logic of Scientific Discovery and In Search of a Better Life, he revealed that he found great relief in the sound philosophical concepts of Tarski. Tarski was able to argue against relativist concepts of Truth by simply stating that Truth occurs when a statement aligns itself with the facts (e.g., someone says: “It rained yesterday,” when, indeed, it did rain yesterday).
At this point, the reader of this blog might say, “I know about TRUTH, why are we looking at it here, in this blog? Answer: Because this is a topic of supreme importance, and because you probably don’t know all that you should. Go to Chapter 18. Truth of the e-book, Bye-Bye Sweet Liberty, to learn more (or find link below). Along the way, you will appreciate that lies can only be detected by having in your brain a large assortment of true facts, so that you can compare statements to facts. That is, you must carry with you a large store of knowledge.
Knowledge. As with truth, most of us think we have a decent appreciation of what constitutes knowledge, even so, a little refresher will be worthwhile, so please follow the link
GO to Truth

Life Most Democrats support abortion, and, worse yet, they support the barbaric practice of partial birth abortion. President Obama even voted multiple times in the Illinois Assembly against rescuing newborns who survived failed abortions, but were born live. There are stories of these poor, innocent youngsters being abandoned to die alone of exposure in hospital utility rooms.
Individual Liberty Liberty can only be extended to certain groups. Individuals rights must reside only within the group they are allied with. The unions approved by Democrats are free to do as they please. Individuals within those unions are free, as long as they are loyal to the union and to the Democrat Party. Single individuals, on their own, are viewed with suspicion.
Traditional Morals Democrats hate traditional morals. Instead, they prefer morals based on loose standards. Democrats base their morals in a world view, a philosophy, known as pragmatism. This philosophy posits that there are no absolute truths. Fortunately, Karl R. Popper understood that the ideas of Alfred Tarski (see above) could be used to put the common concept of truth on a sound philosophical footing. Truth has regained respectability, even in snooty philosophical circles.
Occupation Most Republicans get their rent money and other expense money from a job in the “private sector,” or, as Michelle Obama called it: “The money economy.” Many Democrats earn their living in the private sector too. However, Democrats would much prefer to be employed in “government” jobs: teaching, city-state-federal bureaucracy, elected/appointed political posts, or they get by as unemployed, bon vivant activists, living on welfare payments.

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