Republican/Democrat Brands, a Comparison
Table. Republicans & Democrats Side by Side

Republican/Democrat Brands, a Comparison
The table gives a side by side comparison of the Republican and Democrat brands. To win elections, the Republicans have to proselytize the American public, and lead by example. Since most Americans, regardless of gender ethnicity, or immigrant status, favor those items embraced and supported by Republicans, the Republicans will win elections as long as the public is not duped by the Democrats. The biggest priority of the Republicans is to call out Democrat lies, with gusto and assertion, and without fail.
Ronald Reagan’s genius was in pointing to the Democrats, and their ilk around the world, as liars. He spoke truth and called out liars, even when it caused discomfort. He called the Soviet Union the “Evil Empire,”and brought to Gorbachov a statement of great import: “Tear down this wall,” against the advice of his “advisors.” He would not be shouted down, either. Early in his presidency, while delivering his thoughts on a college campus, a student tried interrupting by staging a one-man demonstration (shouting down opposing views is encouraged by Democrats), but Reagan stopped him by stating in a stern tone, “Oh, Shut up.”This stopped the deranged man and discouraged future such adventures. To bad the Bushes, 41 and 43, did not have the Reagan moxie.
Here is where the future of the Republican Brand is to be found: MOXIE. And, PARTICULARLY, moxie in calling out lies, liars, and those who try to shout down truth.
Labels: knowledge, lies, truth
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